Making the energy you use cleaner and cheaper

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About Us


Pow-dr is a B2B service provider that helps change energy demand profiles - at scale!


Our origins: Greer, Zeynep, and Ralf began working together as academic researchers at Imperial College London and the London School of Economics and Political Science. We founded pow-dr after five years of conducting research into the technical feasibility of what has now become our product. We tested user interactions with the product’s various features with the academic rigour of behavioural economic analysis.

Our inspiration: Throughout our experience, we recognized the powerful possibility to enable our users to be rewarded for doing good, and most importantly to have true agency in the renewable energy transition and climate change mitigation.

Our mission: We are enabling a near-term future in which the growing network of our users around the world–our pow-dr planet–eliminates the need for fossil fuel generation to back up renewable generation sources when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.

Our Services

Energy monitoring and analytics

We provide a simple and effective technology platform to support our clients in measuring appliance-specific energy use.

Grid load balancing

By switching off a network of localized devices, we support the matching of electricity demand with supply to avoid unexpected outages.

Syncing use with renewable supply

Our platform can facilitate reliance on renewable electricity sources like wind and solar by shifting consumption patterns, reducing the need for fossil fuel generation.

Blog Articles

Read our blog articles to follow our journey.

Set it and forget it with pow-dr

How doing less can mean doing more when it comes to your energy use

Our Team

Greer Gosnell

Product development

Zeynep Gurguc


Ralf Martin

Research and Innovation

Steve Todd


Teevrat Garg

Policy and Stakeholder Engagement

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